Tractor Barn Productions
8 Coopers Drive
United Kingdom
NR33 7RU
Tel: 01502 740114
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Or simply give us a call - we can take card payments over the phone. We are available 7 days a week - unless on or filming a tractor, in which case we have a dedicated answerphone - just leave a message and we shall get back to you as soon as possible!
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20 years is a long time and in agriculture and in particular tractors, it is almost a lifetime!
By starting with our old footage from 1998 taken at the NORMAC Tillage Demo in Norfolk
and comparing it with the same event in 2018, it soon becomes clear just how much the
agricultural tractor has changed in just two decades!
This forms the basis for this DVD which then takes us on a rollercoaster ride taking in
rubber track technology, sophisticated electronics and of course plenty of power!
Using our old footage, modern filming, plus some manufacturers promotional films that
show just how incredible the machines of today actually are, taken together this DVD is
without doubt all about -
farming at full power!