Tractor Barn Productions
8 Coopers Drive
United Kingdom
NR33 7RU
Tel: 01502 740114
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All the action from this excellent working event but without any commentary so that you get to enjoy all the action - and the noise!
With several acres of oilseed rape stubble to turn over this event attracted an interesting mix of tractors ranging from Fordson N to FW30 and FW60. A variety of ploughs were at work along with cultivators, drills and rolls as the tractors were out through their paces across six fields.
A special feature saw a recreation of the Long Sutton Tractor Trials that were held during the 1970s in Lincolnshire, with three tractors and ploughs being pitted against each other on adjacent plots and the area covered and wheelslip of each calculated.
With County, Roadless and Muir-Hill tractors at work alongside Ford and Fordson examples, this was once again a classic Blue Force Working Weekend.