Tractor Barn Productions
8 Coopers Drive
United Kingdom
NR33 7RU
Tel: 01502 740114
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Or if you have registered pay directly through your PayPal Account.
Or simply give us a call - we can take card payments over the phone. We are available 7 days a week - unless on or filming a tractor, in which case we have a dedicated answerphone - just leave a message and we shall get back to you as soon as possible!
Want to pay by Cheque/Postal Order? Simply send it to us with the correct amount and details of the programmes you would like to purchase, and we will
get them sent straight off to you!
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The growing Ford based tractor club Blue Force held its first British working weekends during September 2013 and Tractor Barn Productions was there at both venues to record all the action.
Both the North Lincolnshire and Wiltshire events attracted a fantastic range of Fordson, Ford and New Holland tractors as well as a large arrray of conversions including County, Roadless, Malaim, Muir-Hill, Northrop, Doe and Matbro.
In all over 200 tractors were put through their paces ploughing and cultivating - indeed its Ford tractor power all the way in this engine revving, smoke inducing, two hours of pure tractor action!
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